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Sunday, January 22, 2012

I just discovered this book by Morgan Fitzsimons, called "Enchanted Sarah" it about a girl named Sarah who finds the Twilight Star, a key allowing her Elven ancestors passage into the 21st century. This begins the dilemma of who Sarah really is and her voyage to find the answer. Issues she only gave passing thought to become important, such as enchantment, what is evil and what is not, environment and lifestyle, and how to reconcile the Elven affinity with nature and today’s heedless destruction of it. The discovery of the villainous Jefferson Hemlock and the reforming of the dragon Tal-git, an immortal enemy of her ancestors, Golden Elves, Enchanters and witches impose a world far different from her own. The meetings with the mysterious Arin (is he friend or foe) and issues far beyond the normal day of a teenager such as world domination and terrorism take her on an exciting, dangerous, adventure of discovery.

You can find this and many other great stories from Morgan Fitzsimons at Amazon

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